CivilPro Desktop v11.83.1.174 Version Release

Release Date: August 9, 2021

CivilPro Desktop V11

*********** (moderate) – 9/8/21
1. Added popup detail screen for Lot Details
2. Added ability to create custom lot numbers using custom registers
3. Added Custom Register categorisation to lot details
4. Added Related Items to lot details
5. Added Related Items to test request details
6. Added Related Items to Ncr details
7. Added lot detail as popup from related items for other registers
8. Fixed issue with treelist expansion state after refreshes
9. Fixed issue with synchronizing


*********** (minor) – 2/8/21
1. Fix issue at login with no connection file

*********** (minor) – 29/7/21
1. Update project copy to have options to include or exclude the master suppliers list
2. Update project copy to fix ApprovalCategory conflict
3. ResourceType is no longer locked for approved invoice.
4. Supplier details added when creating a new purchase order (v10 regression)
5. Emailing supplier adds default contact if email address is available in supplier record
6. Fixed double up of attachments for automatically added reports on notifications
7. Added option under settings for user to update own password
8. Fixed bug with totalling of daycost records when showall selected in dc register

*********** (moderate) – 27/7/21
1. Approvals can now be reset back to an unstarted state even when they have actioned steps
2. Short circuit dialog modified to support revert to unstarted, and set to initial step shortcuts
3. Improvements to removing direct approvals, especially in purchase orders. Now invokes short circuit dialog
to better synch with approval
4. Purchase order notification now includes PO reports
5. Approval notifications now include associated item reports
6. Fix bug on printin Photo register
7. Fix bug setting some workflow logs to private when they should not be.
8. Test req notifications now include TR reports when sent to tester


*********** (minor) – 23/7/21
1. Update cloners to better identify project records reflecting v10 fixes specifically
– Prevent duplication of suppliers when creating new project
– Identify correct project paths for costcode linked and other nullable references in daycosts, receipts, floating lot quantities

*********** (minor)
1. Fix addition of user roles in user register
2. Fix delete of roles in role register
3. Change permission check for admin in checklist closeout to only apply when items are not completed
4. Fix acknowledgement of user settings for default filter days
5. Reinstate fix for Test Req summary in
6. Add info dialog for role information (admindelete perm)
7. Fix editability of ‘include’ in project suppliers

*********** (minor)
1. Add file for migrator

*********** (minor)
1. ATP related items showed for wrong ID (based on lot reference)
2. Conformance checks now performed when user directly changes conformance date field
3. Added Lot Operations function to add multiple checklist(s) to multiple lots at once
4. Bug with supportpreopen in standalone databases addressed
5. Fix to production calcs when Show All selected in daycost register
6. When importers identify a substitution for a supplier, this is now persisted across the context of the import
7. Folio builder now limits files that are included in the top level folder to only those related to the selected lots
8. Some migration tasks could fail with databases previously using Data Transfer wizard due to ApprovalReferenceId field. Fixed
9. Fix to project list for sysadmin users without project permissions

*********** (minor)
1. Fixed bug where test request compliance report did not show compliance where locate method set to Tester Locates
2. Fixed bug due to mapping issue with TestRequestNo to TestRequestTest in TR detail => Sample screen

*********** (minor)
1. Introduced this popup to show changes included with a new version. It will display any time civil pro is updated.
2. Rich text editors will now store changes to the size of images
3. Update schema version to reflect latest schema

*********** (minor)
1. Added azure firewall manager to automatically manage the firewall for connections with authorized app and extended connection file.
2. Updated major version to reflect move to V11


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