CivilPro Desktop v11.83.1.183 Version Release

Release Date: September 6, 2021

CivilPro Desktop V11

*********** (minor) – 6/9/21
1. Fix exception when fixing malformed rolepermission
2. Fix editability when ITP editing is lock to non-admin users.
*********** (minor) – 3/9/21
1. Fix exception when cancelling out of Purchase Orders
2. Add notes to Lot Detail
3. Fix Save and Finish option when validation fails on Lot Detail
*********** (minor) – 2/9/21
1. Fix default role issue for limits on ProjectAdministration role when viewing NCR and TestReq
2. Ensure reset of subbie permission between logins
3. Ensure sysadmin overrides subbie designation
*********** (minor) – 2/9/21
1. Fixed issue with accessing files from related items manager where LotDocs folder has not previously been created.
*********** (moderate) – 31/8/21
1. Added NCR filestore docs to the foliobuilder
2. Added reverse distribution of cost codes back to schedule items using forecast CTD. Additional columns added to
Claim To Date to display.
3. Changed progress claim logic to provide clearer workflow for creating and updating the claim from the schedule without
side effects. Rebuild function now replaced with Update Schedule which no longer deletes the schedule and rebuilds with
existing quantities. Existing claim items are now updated
4. New functions to update claim from schedule as a consequence of 3.
5. Additional management columns to Progress Claim in At Completion
6. New function to set selected claim AC quantities to match TD
7. Renamed Schedule and Claim options to mark overhead and mark pay item to Mark Not Claimed and Mark Claimed
8. Fix bug where claim items marked as Not Claimed are included in the claim report
9. Fixed PO direct approval to deal with case where PO has no approval request

*********** (moderate) – 25/8/21
1. Complete rewrite of related item trees to support drag and drop for adding related items
2. Support leaving related item selectors open to add to different records in the main grid without closing
3. Bug Fix – objectdisposed when some grids are first set
4. Bug Fix – when creating new report period from invoice register
5. Importing ITPs from repository – fixed bug with tests not being included

*********** (minor) – 19/8/21
1. Fixed bug where changing project without changing report period could result in daycosts assigned to
wrong report period/project
2. Fixed bug in conformance report where related lot narration was incorrect.

*********** (minor) – 18/8/21
1. Fix issue with nullable fields not being set in cloud and affecting filters for users and projects in desktop

*********** (minor) – 12/8/21
1. Implement Remove License function
2. Fixed issue with exception when attaching Checklist to approval
3. Fixed delete of approval where FsWorkflowLog reference exists
4. Fixed issue with System register not showing records without hard refresh

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