Upcoming Release and Roadmap for Q1-Q2 2024
We have a list of new exciting releases planned for 2024, bringing you new features, more quick tools and better user experience.
To start the new year, our team is ready to bring you a few releases in January that will add better workflows and improved usability to your ITP Revisions and Approvals. Make sure that you check out our ‘Manage ITP revision” article ( link provided below) for the upcoming release.
January – release ~23/1/24.
- ITP Revisions* – ITPs can now have multiple versions, including drafts. For the full workflow on managing your ITP revisions, please refer to our Helpcenter article: Manage Inspection Test Plan (ITP) Revisions
- Number formatting for templates – principally to support cases where numeric padding is desired – e.g. Approval 0005 rather than Approval 5
- Deployment pipeline upgrade for Cloud – though you won’t see any difference in the app, we have totally re-written our deployment pipeline to provide additional automatic testing on our deployments.
*NOTE: As part of the ITP Revisions feature, we will be changing the database schema. This means that all desktop apps will need to be the latest version. For most users this will not be an issue as the autoupdater will deliver the latest version, however any desktop installs that are not updated will be prevented from logging in.
We are aware that recent Microsoft Windows updates have impacted some corporate networks ability to recognize updates, so have made an automated uninstall/reinstall should it be required. Please note that this will only be necessary for desktop users where the autoupdate is prevented from getting the latest version. It can be accessed at: https://download.civilpro.com/cd/reinstaller/v11Reinstall.html
Other major developments in the pipeline for Q1 – Q2, 2024 are :
- Approvals (round 1)
– Streamline creation of approvals – reduce clicks to create an approval by ~80%
– Action multiple approvals with the same status at once
– Short-circuit multiple approvals with the same status at once
- Lot Review – Lots can now track internal and external reviews and audits complete with history and current status. (Feb-March)
- Teambinder Integration – Lots can be automatically added to Teambinder from Civil Pro with their metadata. Automatically upload Lot Summary. Integrated into the review mechanisms.
- Mobile UI review (Feb-March)
- Approvals (round 2)
- Generate multiple approvals at once
- One click approval for multiple approvals
- Add searchable GPS coordinates from photo records
- Add URLs to Filestore docs
April – June
- NCR Revisions – add revisions to NCRs like ITPs
- Imaging – rewrite of the LotMap to support projection of one or more lots onto any general arrangement or other to-scale drawing